Rothrock Chiropractic & Rehabilitation


August 6, 2024

Who all is watching and enjoying the Summer Olympics in Paris right now?? We know we are enjoying the action here at Rothrock Chiropractic and Rehabilitation.

If you find yourself all of a sudden inspired to be athletic again, then great! Or perhaps you are looking toward your upcoming fall sports season. Whatever the reason, we’ve got you covered, Happy Valley!

But whether you’re hitting the tennis courts, diving into swimming, or enjoying a game of beach volleyball, it’s essential to prepare your body properly to avoid injuries and perform at your best. Here are our top 5 tips for getting ready for summer sports you see the Olympians competing in, common injuries to be aware of, and how Rothrock Chiropractic and Rehabilitation can support your recovery and enhance your performance.

  1. Warm-Up and Stretching is the Foundation of Injury Prevention. Before diving into any summer sport, a proper warm-up is crucial. Spend at least 10-15 minutes performing dynamic stretches and light cardio to increase blood flow to your muscles. This helps to loosen up your joints and improve your range of motion, which can significantly reduce the risk of strains and sprains.
  2. Strength and Conditioning is Key to Building a Stronger Body. Strength training not only enhances your performance but also fortifies your muscles and joints against injuries. Integrate a balanced workout routine that includes both upper and lower body exercises. Core strengthening is especially important as it stabilizes your body during dynamic movements. Core strength will help to keep you away from muscle strains, ligament sprains, and tendinitis episodes.
  3. Proper Hydration and Nutrition Enriches Your Performance. Staying hydrated is vital, especially in the summer heat. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, and decreased performance. Aim to drink water consistently throughout the day, not just during your activity. Remember: if you are thirsty, then you are already dehydrated! Make sure to make protein a building block of your post-activity meal to encourage correct healing.
  4. Chiropractic Care Will Enhance Recovery and Performance. Chiropractic care plays a significant role in both injury prevention and recovery. Regular adjustments help maintain proper alignment, improve joint mobility, and reduce the risk of chronic pain. Dr. Emery at Rothrock Chiropractic and Rehabilitation also strongly focuses on rehab exercises to further improve your recovery and performance outside of the office.
  5. Listen to Your Body and Know that Rest and Recovery Are Valuable. No one knows their body better than you, but you need to listen to it! Overtraining can be just as harmful as undertraining. Pay attention to your body’s signals and take rest days seriously. Also allow for cross-training days to work the muscles in different ways, further reducing the chance of overuse injury. Recovery allows your muscles to repair and strengthen, preventing burnout and overuse injuries. Don’t discount the importance of 7-9 hours of daily sleep, too!

We know the summer Olympic games are thrilling. Those who are already athletic always need to focus on the “little things’’ that separate good competitors from great ones. And if you are just coming back into the fitness fold, ease into it. No one ever reaches the top of their fitness game overnight, after all!

In the meantime, we are here at Rothrock Chiropractic and Rehabilitation to assist and help with exercises and adjustments. Let us help you stay in the game or get back on to the field, so you can feel like a top-end Olympic athlete (if only in our minds)! Stay safe out there, Happy Valley, and take care until next time!