Rothrock Chiropractic & Rehabilitation


July 26, 2024

Hello, Happy Valley! It’s been a very hot, and at times punishing summer. What better way to defeat the heat than a day at the beach, right?!

Whether it’s the Outer Banks, New Jersey, Delaware, or a trip up to one of the Great Lakes beaches, a day at the beach is a perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun. However, it can also take a toll on your spine. From lounging on the sand to engaging in beach activities, your body may be subjected to various stresses it isn’t used to. Here are five ways the beach can actually harm your physical health, and we’ll give some tips on how to combat these problems.

  1. Lounging can create postural strain. Lounging on towels or beach chairs often means unsupported positions, which can lead to poor posture. Prolonged periods of slouching or lying on your stomach while reading can strain your neck and lower back, too. So while these lounging activities are mentally therapeutic, be certain to get up and walk around every hour or so.
  2. Activities can cause muscle soreness. Beach activities like swimming, volleyball, or even walking on uneven sand can overwork your muscles, especially if they aren’t used to these activities and loads. The strain on your back and shoulders from these activities can lead to soreness and discomfort. We recommend stretching frequently and taking breaks, especially if you aren’t fully conditioned for these activities.
  3. Be alert for dehydration and its harmful impact. Spending hours in the sun can lead to dehydration, which affects your muscles and joints. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps and reduce the cushioning effect of spinal discs, increasing the risk of back pain after your relaxing beach date. So, keep that water bottle filled and by your side at all times. Remember, if you are thirsty, then you are already slightly dehydrated!
  4. Warm-up your body before engaging in strenuous activities. Many people fail to warm-up their muscles and joints before going into physical activity, and the beach is no exception to that rule. Engaging in activities without proper warm-up or using incorrect techniques can lead to injuries. Beach sports and swimming require coordinated movements that, if done incorrectly, can strain your spine and muscles. At Rothrock Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, we can give advice on proper sports ergonomics and provide great exercises to implement in a warm-up and cool-down routine.
  5. The drive to the beach may create pain. We all love Central Pennsylvania, but let’s face it: ALL the greatest beaches are a sizable drive away. Sitting in the car compresses the cervical and lumbar discs, and it can create muscle stress before even getting to the beach. This is why we further recommend doing stretches and exercises before and after the car trip. We can prescribe these exercises for you, if you aren’t sure what’s best to perform! Not to mention, the adjustments are great for fighting off car pains, too.

Enjoying a day at the beach should leave you feeling refreshed, not in pain. By incorporating chiropractic care into your pre- and post-beach routine, you can address any strain or discomfort, ensuring you stay pain-free and ready for your next beach adventure. Whether it’s realigning your spine, relieving muscle soreness, managing dehydration, supporting healthy movement, or enhancing relaxation, chiropractic care at Rothrock Chiropractic and Rehabilitation offers comprehensive solutions to keep your spine healthy and strong.

So Happy Valley, take care of yourself before, during, and after your beach date. Enjoy your time in the sun and water, and thanks for reading and supporting us!